MooKitty's Mutli-Language Patch
Allows for multiple languages and a default language for each post. See Kitten's Project Page for more info. Louis' patch for Jabber in the profile (if it hasn't been committed to CVS)
Simply a feature request from the bugtracker, adds Jabber as an option on the profile page in the administration area

Auto-Hyperlink URLS (based on MooKitty's Plugin maybe)
Will find URLs in posts and automatically turn them to hyperlinks

Sticky Posts
Much like a sticky forum post, will let you choose one post to keep at the top of the page

Show last 10 posts by default, right sidebar maybe?
Shows the 10 most recent posts made to the blog, ordered by the most recent, and shows the author and the time/date of the post. Should be added to one of the sidebars on the new layout, I recommened right side

A good set of docs for anything that we add
Get custom fields, (based off coffee2code's plugin maybe?)
Adds for simple integration of stuff like Currently Playing or Currently Watching from custom fields on the post page

Wordcounting on a per post basis and a total word count.
Just shows you how many words are in that post (postmeta area where the time/date and stuff is stored) and the total number of words on one of the sidebars.

category restrictions (restricts users posts on certain categories)
Allows the admin user to restrict users to only post in certain categories

Cleaner Archive/Permalink URLs
changes permalink and archives to be neater, such as http://url.tld/mm/dd/post-title-seperated-by-nifty-dashes/. Downside is that it would require modrewrite, which not everyone has. An option to turn it off would need to be included, or a detector script in the install/upgrade that turns it on/off based on what it finds.

Updated functionality for templates.php
Templates.php will have more features, or maybe a seperate file management interface. Some features include being able to create and chmod files.(as the server allows)

Customizable Profanity Filter
Allows the admin to set a filter to find and replace words in posts, titles, and comments

A module API and admin interface
  • integrate phpBB as a module
  • static pages module
  • some sort of image gallery

Stuff that is included in the package but isn't used by default:
Last ten commenters
Staticize (at least when we know its stable, I know Louis had problems with it)

WordPress Deluxe is based on WordPress
Background is from Squidfingers and edited by our very own Louis C. Logo